.To help celebrate the Democratic National Convention this week, and the 40th anniversary of the infamous 1968 Chicago convention, here are THE FUGS with their classic "Chicago", from their "Belle of Avenue A" LP.
According to the liner notes, "written by Ken Sanders, Country Joe MacDonald, and Ken Pine", and "originally written for the sound track of the Yippie movie about the police riots in Chicago at the Democratic Convention."
Okay, everybody sing along now:
"I saw the gasses floating down upon America's youth
All the world was watching the terror in the streets.
Johnny was there and Sally was there
And so was Baby Sue
Acid Bob and Clean Gene and Dickie Daley too.
I saw the look on the poor soldier's face
With his gun in the young girl's side
All the boys of Daleyland were dancing in the mace.
Johnny was there and Sally was there
And so was Baby Sue
Acid Bob and Clean Gene and Dickie Daley too.
May you sleep in peace Mayor Daley....."