Monday, May 25, 2020

Time Passes and Life Manouevers

I think John Lennon said it best: "Well Well Well".

Its funny how so many of the things we come to depend on, or think we've come to depend on, can be so easily left behind.  And not necessarily intentionally, just one day you look around and say "hey, didn't I used to....?...."

I think with the hour-to-hour demands of the day-to-day grind we're eager to take any opportunity to escape, even if just for a few minutes here and there. When these hourly demands are drastically reduced, so is the virtually constant desire for escapism.  I know that a lot of people have been having a hard time these days, but I'm thankful to be able to say that even with the current challenges I've been having a ball.  "Missing it for the world", indeed.

Still, it does look like things are starting to ease up a bit, even here, and there've been many lessons learned as we've seen masks go on and masks come off.  So as we take the first steps toward wrapping up another catastrophe we try to imagine what the next move could possibly be. I'm going to guess it'll be an alien invasion, but we'll lick that too. Anyway, have fun but stay safe and watch your feet, and I hope to see ya soon.