Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Magazine of the Week #30

With MICK JAGGER's birthday tomorrow, our Magazine of the Week is the August 1982 issue of Dell's long-running HOROSCOPE, "The World's Leading Astrological Magazine", which featured a cover story on the famous Leo by DORIS KAYE.

So "what makes Mick tick?"

Let's have a look at some excerpts. We learn that in Mick's horoscope, a "concentration in Leo, the "show-biz" sign, accounts for his stage prescence, his charisma, his "larger-than-life" personality projection, and his intense sexuality."

"Jupiter is the "larger-than-life" influence, Pluto (ruler of sexy Scorpio) is the promoter of that potent sexuality, while the Sun (ego, individuality, profession, and public acclaim) and Mercury (mental perception and, in Leo, highly concentrative) further accentuate the compelling Leonine prescence of the performer."

"Mars is a further emphasis on sex, as well as on aggressiveness, defiance, rebelliousness. In fact, Mars in the tenth house can often describe a person who agressively pursues a career and is quite capable of fighting and clawing his or her way into the desired place in the sun. In Taurus, physical and material values are emphasized - sex and money, for example."

"The Venus-Uranus square can describe perverse, "kinky" sexuality, a desire for multiple partners, sometimes the inability to maintain a relationship."

"There are no planets in water signs; four are in a fire sign, four in earth signs, and two in an air sign - but none in water, the element of emotion, understanding, sympathy, empathy, sensitivity."

Mick's chart also comes up short in the cardinal signs department. But then "Mick has so much Leo that leading a parade would come naturally to him; but the parades led by Leos always take new routes".

"Mars could be responsible for the violence of his musical subject matter (rape, sadism, etc), but Mars' position in Taurus would also clue him in to the fact that these subjects sell".

We also get insights into things like the possibility for "a barrier to spiritual awareness" and "occasional aridity in self-expression".

Looking to the future, we're told "it seems that the forthcoming Saturn transit through Scorpio (late November of 1982 to early May of 1983, then from late August of 1983 to mid-November of 1985), which will dynamically challenge his Leo and Taurus planets, could bring major changes into his life, along with many re-evaluations and changing viewpoints on a few important matters".

"In 1985, 1986, 1987, progressed Mars conjoining his natal and progressed Uranus in Gemini is another sort of blockbuster in terms of change and new beginnings. Too, 1985 and 1986 will bring his progressed Sun into conjunction with his natal Venus in Virgo, which can reflect pleasantly in his emotional and/or marital life."

"There is much potential for even greater - in one way or another - accomplishments in the years ahead for this remarkable and magnetic public figure."

Click on images to enlarge - check out that chart!

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