Thursday, June 29, 2006

Magazine of the Week #26

For the 26th installment of "Magazine of the Week" (has it really been 26 weeks already?), we have a magazine called SUPER ROCK SPECTACULAR - its Volume 1 - #3, dated "Fall 1978".

From cover-to-cover, its 68 pages of nothing but ROLLING STONES. No ads or anything, just page after page of Stones. Except for the color covers, its all black-and-white, and some of the photos aren't very well reproduced (the cover says "Jammed with hundreds of stolen photos"). But hey, its still 68 pages of nothin' but Stones!

After an introductory editorial, there are seventeen separate articles on various aspects of the Stones. Here are just some of the story titles:

"Brian Jones: The Spirit Behind The Stones", "Say Goodnight Keith", "The Death of Brian Jones", "Hell's Angels and Murder at Altamont", "Marianne Faithful - The Love That Failed", "Drugs- How Mick Was Busted".

"Aftermath - The Movie Success That Follows" takes a look at Mick's films "Performance" and "Ned Kelly", and mentions Jean-Luc Goddard's "Symphony For The Devil". Yes, "Symphony".

Fun stuff!!!

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