Saturday, January 07, 2006

Magazine of the Week

Welcome to the first installment of the 2006 edition of "Magazine of the Week". 52 in a series, collect 'em all! Every week we'll be taking a brief look at a magazine from the days of old. Our first magazine is the January 1973 issue of CREEM, which, as the cover says, is "A Special Issue On The World's Greatest Rock'n Roll Band". 96 pages for 75 cents, and it really is mostly Stones stuff, including a nice US/UK discography. Click on the images for a larger view.

Check out this Contents page - lots of heavyweight writers with articles on the Stones. Dave Marsh, Robert Christgau, Lester Bangs, and Patti Smith, among others. Lots of photos, and a few original Stones-fan comics panels.

This full-page illustration by Stephen Sluiter accompanied the (long!) Patti Smith article:

At the end of the mag is a silly Stones trivia contest, "Sex Lives of the Rolling Stones: A Competition", that begins with "It hardly seems possible that the Stones have been around for almost ten years (those coots), but they still kick like a mule". Ten years!

All in all a great magazine, a very cool period-piece.

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